Electric Saz
The Electric Saz is a deeply multi-sampled fretless acoustic-electric 5-string Saz Baglâma from the streets of Turkey, where master craftsman have been building them by hand for centuries. This modern evolution of the instrument was recorded through a custom array of pick-ups. We painstakingly sampled all three string runs (low octave, middle and high unison) with 12x round robin and up to 6 velocity layers for open notes going up 1.5 octaves per string. We also captured palm mutes, string chokes, releases and tons of percussive effects.
We carefully sampled a wide legato, or “slide” range for all three runs of strings with multiple velocity layers and 4x round robin. the Saz interface offers full control over how a note is played and which string it is played on. Hammer-on, pull-off, slide, choke and palm mute are all controlled per-string.
We’ve also included an intelligent auto-strumming system. There are special patches for creating custom tunedpercussion blends, effects, Uberpeggiator and of course ambiences. It also has a dynamic and adaptive arpeggiation system, capable of freestyle and 32-step tempo-synched humanized groove creation and chord/key constraint. The FX rack gives you access to Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Dynamics, Drive (featuring 4 different effects), 2 amp sims, 8 cabs, EQ, Filter, tempo-synched Delay and convolution Reverb with dozens of custom room and FX impulses.
- Open notes covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
- Note releases covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
- Palm Mute notes covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
- Choked notes per string (12x RR)
- True legato "slide" samples covering over an octave per string (4x RR)
- 5 Different body impacts (12x RR)
- Each Pick-up (Bridge and Neck) Sampled Separately
- A variety of string scrape effects
- Dozens of finger slide sound effects ranging from short to long
- 22 sound design ambient pads and leads built from bowing, eBowing and other methods
The Electric Saz includes a brand new innovative interface for amazing control:
- Performance controls closely simulate real-world saz Functionality
- Tuned Percussion preset type that allows two simultaneous yet independently controlled layers.
- 70 custom environmental, room and FX reverbs integrated into every preset
- The Uberpeggiator meta-arp system with velocity step sequencer, humanization, adaptive modes, roll simulation, chord and scale control and custom pattern loading (K5 only)
- The Strumulator strumming system provides easy 1-key strums based on 12 different chords using multi-samples.
- The Uberpeggiator meta-arp system with velocity step sequencer, humanization, adaptive modes, roll simulation, chord and scale control and custom pattern loading (K5 only)
- The Glissatron arppegiation system provides easy 1-key glisses and arpeggios based on a variety of scales with customizable rhythm, direction, velocity and humanization.
- Powerful new FX Rack with 8 fully-automatable FX modules from distortions to reverb.
Kontakt Format

This library is designed for the full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2 or later. Kontakt is an industry-standard advanced virtual instrument software platform. You can view screenshots of this library's custom graphical user interface in the image gallery above. This library is packed with features to provide you a wide range of sound shaping parameter controls, each one totally automation-ready in your host environment or Kontakt's stand-alone mode. Learn more about Kontakt by Clicking Here.
This is a standard Kontakt open-format library, so the free Kontakt Player does not fully support it and can only run it in a limited "demo mode". However, the sample directories are unlocked so you can use them in other wav-compatible software, sampler and synth formats. The special Libraries tab doesn't support this open-format Kontakt library, but you can use the standard File browser tab and import this library into the Kontakt Quickload window for easy loading and navigation.
Product Specs
- Product Version 1.0
- 12.7 GB installed
- 13,744 Samples
- 17 Kontakt 5.1 instrument presets (legacy)
- 15 Kontakt 4.2.4 instrument presets
- 24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
- Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization
System Requirements
The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.1 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library. We've also included legacy K4.2.4 versions of the main presets as well for Kontakt 4 users. The free Kontakt "Player" and "Add Library" import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows XP or higher. Mac OSX 10.6 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.
Note: This digital product is delivered as a download via the Amazon S3 cloud network. A broadband internet connection is required. Please see our Help Page for licensing information, download and installation instructions, tutorials and to read our End User Licensing Agreement before ordering. All sales are final.
Soundiron - Electric Saz - "Between The Stars" Demo Screencast by Ryan Scully