Riq Drum
The traditional family of hand percussion instruments is generally defined as an open shell frame drum with large cymbals or jingles. They are similar in appearance and origin to a very large tambourine, but rather than simply being an accompaniment or backing instrument, the Rik family of drums can often take a lead or solo role. The jingles, rattles or rings are often played as a discreet component of the drum, along with a broad range of unique head and rim finger and hand articulations. This broad family of specialized drums is treated as a very serious and deeply nuanced instrument class in both traditional and modern Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Eastern European music.
For our Riq Drum multi-sample library, we captured a pair of full-sized drums, one larger 15-inch “daf” drum from Greece with metal rings and bearings (actually called a daf) and one smaller 13” riq drum from Egypt with wide tin “cymbals”. We also captured a toy frame drum that we’ve modified into a miniature riq, by adding egg-shakers. We’ve also included a full collection of atmospheric and ambient sustaining instruments, each created entirely through heavily manipulating the source recordings for this library and equipped with multi-layer morphing, performance shaping and FX chaining options.
- Megamixer kit building interface, with customizable modules
- Dual layer tuned percussion building interface to create uniquely playable multi-layered melodic and effect instruments.
- Standard Ensemble presets that put the whole library at your findertips
- Uberpeggiator meta-arpeggiation and roll generator system
- Rack DSP Effects, including a huge range of custom room and environmental reverb impulses.
- Riq bone mallet strikes (center, edge) 6-8 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Riq felt mallet strikes (center) 8 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Riq wooden dowel "hotrods" (center, edge) 6-8 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Riq brushes (center, edge, mute) 6-8 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Riq finger strikes (center, edge, mute) 5-8 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Riq hand strikes (center, mute) 5-6 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Riq shake singles – 5 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Riq shake rolls (slow, medium & fast rolls, grooves) 19 variations w/ release trigger samples and swell control.
- Riq "tabla-style" bass bends – 4 speed, intensity and positional variations, 10X RR each
- Daf bone mallet strikes (center, edge, rim) 5-7 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Daf felt mallet strikes (center, edge) 8 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Daf brushes (center, edge, rim, mute) 6-7 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Daf finger strikes (center, edge, mute) 6-7 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Daf hand strikes – 8 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Daf shake singles – 5 velocity layers, 10X RR per layer
- Daf shake rolls (slow, medium & fast rolls, grooves) 9 variations w/ release samples and swell control.
- Daf "tabla-style" bass bends – 6 speed, intensity and positional variations, 10X RR each
- Baby Riq finger strikes (center, edge) 5 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Baby Riq finger strikes w/ rattle (center, edge) 5 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Baby Riq sand shake singles (5 speeds/intensities) 3 velocity layers, 10X variations per layer
- Baby Riq sand shake roll loops – 3 speeds w/ release samples and swell control.
- 91 Sustaining ambient textures, organic synth tones and atmospheres created by manipulating the original Riq and Daf recordings.
Kontakt Format

This library is designed for the full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 5.1 or later. Kontakt is an industry-standard advanced virtual instrument software platform. You can view screenshots of this library's custom graphical user interface in the image gallery above. This library is packed with features to provide you a wide range of sound shaping parameter controls, each one totally automation-ready in your host environment or Kontakt's stand-alone mode. Learn more about Kontakt by Clicking Here.
This is a standard Kontakt open-format library, so the free Kontakt Player does not fully support it and can only run it in a limited "demo mode". However, the sample directories are unlocked so you can use them in other wav-compatible software, sampler and synth formats. The special Libraries tab doesn't support this open-format Kontakt library, but you can use the standard File browser tab and import this library into the Kontakt Quickload window for easy loading and navigation.
Product Specs
- 1.86 GB installed
- 2,298 Samples
- 12 .nki instrument presets
- 24 bit / 44.1kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
- Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization
- Includes a bonus collection of custom sound-designed ambiences, drones and special FX presets.
System Requirements
The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.1 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library. The free Kontakt "Player" and "Add Library" import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows XP or higher. Mac OSX 10.6 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library. This software is delivered as a digital download, so a broadband connection is required. All sales are final. Please see our Help Page for download and installation instructions, tutorials and the End User Licensing Agreement before ordering.