Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble
Hyperion Strings Ensemble

Hyperion Strings Ensemble

Open Format
$ 549


This orchestral string scoring solution brings brilliant sound, vast content and adaptive performance control into one powerful package with 1st & 2nd Violins, Violas, Cellos and Basses and a huge selection of long & short articulations, legato, portamento, dynamic expressions and aleatoric effects in 4 mic positions.

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This is a standard open-format library for the full retail version of Kontakt. It can't be used in the free Kontakt Player or added to the Libraries rack. Click Here To Download the PDF User Manual
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Hyperion Strings Ensemble is an orchestral string scoring library with brilliant sound, expressive control, and adaptive performance features. It’s loaded with a massive array of dynamic long and short articulations, fingered true legato and portamento, emotive dynamic expressions, tremolo, runs, trills, flautando, ponticello, harmonics, chromatic and aleatoric effects, and creative sound-design elements. It's a complete string scoring solution right at your fingertips, with everything you'll need to shape your own sound, from the intimate to the astral.

Whether you want human realism and detail or vast ambient textures, Hyperion Strings Ensemble offers total flexibility to fit any style and arrangement, wrapped in a wide, intuitive interface that lets you dive right in. This 30-piece string ensemble has compact sections with 8 1st Violins, 7 2nd Violins, 6 Violas, 5 Cellos and 4 Double Basses to produce natural divisi arrangements, with a 12-layer slot system that lets you quickly build huge symphonic groupings. Create your own mix with 4 distinctive microphone distances. The ultra-close Stage mix has intense character and clarity. The newly remastered Close position delivers modern tone with relaxed processing. The wide Mid Hall blend offers velvety warmth with a rounded top end. The lush Far Hall has a classic atmospheric sound. To see the full list of features and articulations in this massive Ensemble edition, Click Here.

This is a standard open-format Kontakt instrument library. The full retail version of Kontakt 6.2.2 or later is required to use the presets in this library. This product is not supported by the free Kontakt Player or Komplete Kontrol. Mac users: The Kontakt presets in this library require OSX 10.12 or later PC users: The Kontakt presets in this library require Windows 7 or later The instrument sample sound files in this library are encoded as standard 24 bit 48 kHz PCM wave files. They can be used in any audio software or hardware that supports common wav files.

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Upgrade Path

Owners of our Hyperion Strings Elements and Micro editions are eligible for a significant discount on the upgrade to this full Ensemble edition. Click the upgrade icon to contact us for more info. Product upgrades are only available exclusively here at soundiron.com. For a detailed comparison chart to see the full list of everything that's included in each of the Ensemble, Elements and Micro editions, Click Here.



The Legato deftly weaves vibrato and clean sustains with fingered and glissando legato transitions across the dynamic range, with adaptive speed response that seamlessly transitions from quick slurred runs to smooth melodies. Craft dramatic passages with naturally emotively bowed sustains, fast & slow interval trills, tremolo, ponticello, harmonic, flautando and other effect sustains.

From the delicate to the bombastic, our dynamic expressions bring a score to life. You’ll find dozens of variations to fit every mood, with smart dynamic release-triggering, tempo-sync and time-stretching. Combine them with our A-B system, Offset, Attack, and Release controls to create truly expressive moments. Do it live with Performance mode and effortlessly switch between sustains and shorts as you play. Take it easy with adaptive legato response, natural vibrato-clean blending and auto-bowing.

The Shorts include long & dotted 8th-note staccatos, 16th & 32nd-note short staccatos, 32nd & 64th-note spiccatos and loose & tight pizzicato plucks, with up to 8 round-robins, velocity/swell control, and auto speed-switching for realism and precision. You'll also find fx shorts like loose & tight Bartok pitz snaps and Col Legno bow taps, tremolo and trill stacs, and many other specialized variations. Explore a broad selection of crescendos, decrescendos, vibrato-clean transition, hairpins, sforzandos, and swells to create nuanced and realistic movements.

Each section includes plenty of long and short chromatic and aleatoric effects, including runs, bridge bowing and plucks, runs, slides, clusters, tension beds, cacophonies, stabs, stingers, risers, falls, percussion and more. The 1st Violins also feature a wide selection of long and short Sordino articulations, expressions and effects, including true legato & portamento.

Fly seamlessly between grouped articulation layers with instant key-switch assignment, A-B grouping, velocity stacking and cross-fade control. Dial in your ideal Swell range with the Niente attenuator. Sequence as you go with the Arpeggio editor and keep it in key with Play-Assist. Shape your tone, body, dynamic response and sound-stage positioning and acoustic environment on the Effects and Space panels. Create the perfect articulation maps with handy macros and convenient preset menus at the top of each panel, making it easy to save time and share templates and settings across the library

Each carefully balanced mic position captures a distinct aesthetic style. The Stage mix places the mics on each player for intense presence, detail and transparency to bring each instrument into focus, making it the perfect choice for adding definition and personality to any arrangement. The Close position delivers a modern, bold cinematic tone that also forms the basis for our Micro and Elements editions, but we’ve dialed back the processing in this Ensemble edition to achieve a more natural quality, letting it breathe and move freely. The Mid Hall blend is a wide omni array with velvety character, relaxed dynamics, and soft highs that falls easily into place in classic movie soundtracks. The Far Hall has a lush, vintage quality with a deep, dark concert hall sound that harkens back to golden age mid-century classical recordings. To learn more about the Hyperion Strings Ensemble, Click Here.

Kontakt Format

This library is designed for the full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 6.2.2 or later. Kontakt is an industry-standard advanced virtual instrument software platform. You can view screenshots of this library's custom graphical user interface in the image gallery above. This library is packed with features to provide you a wide range of sound shaping parameter controls, each one totally automation-ready in your host environment or Kontakt's stand-alone mode. Learn more about Kontakt by Clicking Here.

This is a standard Kontakt open-format library, so the free Kontakt Player does not fully support it and can only run it in a limited "demo mode". However, the sample directories are unlocked so you can use them in other wav-compatible software, sampler and synth formats. The special Libraries tab doesn't support this open-format Kontakt library, but you can use the standard File browser tab and import this library into the Kontakt Quickload window for easy loading and navigation.


Core Features

  • Multi-dynamic sustains, with smooth real-time control over natural vibrato/clean and dynamic transitions. 
  • An extensive collection of specialized sustains, including expressive bowing, tremolo, flautando, ponticello, harmonics, bridge bow, fast trills, slow trills w/ tempo sync, and more.
  • A wide variety of Short strokes in a variety of dynamics and styles, with up to 8x round-robin per dynamic/key, including staccatos, spiccatos, pizzicatos, Bartoks, Col Legno, trills, tremolo, ponticello, flautando, harmonic, bridge, runs, etc.
  • A comprehensive suite of Expressions in a variety of lengths, timings and dynamics, including crescendos, decrescendos, sforzandos and swells, with time-stretching, tempo-synching and automatic release. 
  • 1st Violin Sordino with dynamic sustains, finger & gliss legato, multiple staccato and spiccato types, expressions & effects.
  • Sound-designed atmospheres, pads and ambient textures for underscoring and soundscape creation.
  • Flexible and intuitive wide-format user interface with pro features, deep customizability and simple workflow.
  • Free soundstage positioning for each section within dozens of custom rooms, halls, chambers and FX environments, including both convolution and algorythmic reverb modes.
  • Full Ensemble presets to allow instant unison scoring.
  • Optimized Multi-instrument banks (.nkm) for efficient DAW templating.
  • Multi-microphone position presets to allow custom mixing and convenient output routing.
  • Adaptive Play Assist and Arpeggio panels for instant inspiration.
  • You can apply your full purchase amount from Hyperion Strings Elements or Micro toward your upgrade to this full edition of Hyperion Strings Ensemble. Click Here to contact us for your discount options.

Technical Details

  • Product Version 1.0
  • 72 .nki presets for Ensemble, 1st Violins, 2nd Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses.
  • Plenty of articulation maps, seating arrangements, arpeggio patterns and FX chains to choose from.
  • 157,567 Samples
  • 139 GB installed (81 compressed download)
  • 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo PCM Wav Format for direct sample access.
  • Made for the full retail version of Kontakt (version 6.2.2+), with unlocked, non-compressed wavs and editable presets.


System Requirements

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 6.2.2+ is required to use the .nki instrument presets and .nkm multi-instrument banks included in this library. The free Kontakt "Player" and "Add Library" import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows 7 or higher is required for PC. OSX 10.12 or higher required for Mac users. Quad Core CPU, 8+ GB System Ram and SATA or SSD hard drive are the minimum required for this library. This software is delivered as a digital download, so a broadband connection is required. The installed library is approximately 139 GB, but please allow for up to 230GB of total disk space when downloading and installing this library, as the compressed installation files temporarily required additional space to fully unpack and assemble. All sales are final. Please see our Help Page for download and installation instructions, tutorials and the End User Licensing Agreement before ordering.


Hyperion Strings Ensemble Teaser

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