Omega Plan Libraries
Omega Plan Libraries
Alpha Organ is a beautifully sampled pair of pipe organs recorded at St. Paul's Church in SF. They offer lush sound, powerful bass, a huge variety of organ presets, sound design, mic positions, tonal options, custom FX and very intuitive and flexible GUI control features.
This unique and powerful compendium of our Ambius atmospheric synthesis series offers a vast selection of hand-crafted sound-designed pads, ambiences, leads, pulses and acoustic textures. It features a modern user interface with powerful sound design tools.
Ancient Greek Compendium explores the oldest roots of Western music with handcrafted strings, winds, and percussion instruments made of wood, gut, goat skins, conch shells, and bronze. These rustic artifacts capture the spirit of classical Greek musical craftsmanship.
This traditional Indonesian percussion library features 18 deeply sampled chromatic bamboo hand rattles in a variety of sizes. It offers an extended key range, responsive dynamic control, sustain and single-stroke playing, arpeggiator, ambiences and custom FX.
Welcome to Aquae Organ: our Alpha and Omega pipe organs performed in unison, recorded with hydrophones in tall crystal vases.
This powerful virtual electric guitar library is meant for pure metal destruction, featuring Craig Peters' custom Kiesel Aries 7-string. It offers open and muted notes and power chords, harmonics, scrapes, fretting, with filters, custom FX and auto-strum.
This deeply sampled folk wind instrument captures a ceremonial clay resonator used during human sacrifice rituals and warfare. Aztec Death Whistle offers sustains, flutter-tongues, staccatos, hand percussion, with layering, LFO, arpeggiator, and custom FX.
Bamblong is a South-East Asian mallet bamboo log percussion library, featuring mallet and brush articulations in both dry & wet environments. It offers a flexible and intuitive GUI with extended dynamic range & round-robin, sustaining tonal pads, and more.
This library features a custom 30-string acoustic harp guitar. It captures the classical-modern hybrid sound perfectly with deep multi-sampling of all strings, including plucks, palm-mutes, chokes, slides, and more. The GUI allows for seamless sound-design.
Chroma Bells is a collection of 12 tuned steel, brass and bronze hand bells from England, India, China and Tibet. Each one has a distinct brightly or darkly resonant character, providing an awesome variety to fit any arrangement. They're great for creating full melodic compositions, accenting percussive arrangements or even as pure sound effects.
Click Click Bang! is a hybrid sound-effect and percussion instrument designed for sound designers, experimental musicians, and music producers. Originating from our M1 Garand Rifle library, it incorporates foley from 7 pistols, 4 revolvers, and 7 long guns.
Core Micro is a powerful compendium of sampled instruments, voices, ensembles, sound design and cinematic effects for Kontakt Player and NKS. It delivers the professional fidelity, playability and customization options you need, yet is fully optimized for efficiency, convenience and total ease-of-use.
Cube is a collection of 521 glitchy, crunchy, office-supply percussive samples, along with FX and pads. From the rattling of the last few anxiety pills, to luscious dreamy pads, Cube has got you covered for your next game score, hot track, or quirky animation.
The Cylindrum is a massive tuned percussion instrument designed using the principle of open and closed air column resonance. An experimental percussionist's dream come true, this strange organic synthesizer is guarateed to stretch you creative potential.
Desk Bell is a humble library featuring a 3-inch polished brass bell with a simple, yet loud "ding!." We sampled this instrument in the lush halls of St. Paul's Church and up close in a dry studio, and designed warm ambiences to provide maximum playability.
Drone Flutes captures the authentic performances of indigenous flutes from Mayan, Aztec and Zapotec traditions. Recorded in a lush hall, it includes close, mid, and far microphone positions, chromatic articulations including true legato as well as thousands of live performance phrases.
Drums of St Paul was recorded in the massive sanctuary hall at Saint Paul's Church in San Francisco, CA (the same location as our renowned Requiem Light Symphonic Choir). These powerful samples capture big kick, snare, and tom articulations in 3 microphone positions for a crisp and lush natural reverb and open tone you can blend effortlessly to create an epic sound for any genre.