Quick Tips: Dialing In Your Piano For Drama

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A piano is a very expressive instrument that can tell a story. A musician can take the listener through an emotional journey with only their hands. But there are some things you can do sonically to make your piano that much more dramatic sounding. In this blog post and companion tutorial video with Shaun Chasin, we discuss the following four main points:

  • Controlling Dynamics With Velocity Processors
  • Utilizing The Velocity Range Inside Emotional Piano
  • Reverb
  • Compression

Using Reverb

Most DAW's have stock reverb plugins that allow you to add dimension to your tracks. In this Video Shaun used the stock reverb (Space Designer) inside of Logic Pro X. There are a ton of reverb options out there via hardware or plugins. Experiment with different ones like convolution or algorithmic.


Using Compression

Compression is an extremely powerful and useful tool for controlling dynamics. At first an instrument or recorded track might seem fine, but with a trained ear one might discover inconsistencies with an over all performance dynamically... that's where compression comes in.


Watch How Shaun Chasin Dials In Emotional Piano For Drama


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